Leader board (/100) - Top 10

  • #1 - Birra Moretti - 81
  • #2 - Abbot Ale - 80
  • #2 - Old Empire - 80
  • #4 - Titanic Draught - 79
  • #4 - Old Speckled Hen - 79
  • #4 - McEwan's Champion - 79
  • #4 - Guinness - 79
  • #8 - Estrella Dam - 78
  • #8 - Tiger - 78
  • #10 - Titanic Cappuccino - 77

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Real Ale/Craft Beer, know the difference?

Want to know the difference between Craft Beer and Real Ale? Here's a helpful article which delves into the details that set the two apart...

Independent - Dish of the Day

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Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Did you know? #5

Before 1850, when beer began to be stored and sold in bottles, people would have to walk to their local tavern with special buckets to fill and carry home where they could store it!

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Monday, 25 February 2013

Peroni Nastro Azzuro

Again another beer that does not hold its origins in Britain yet bought here and so qualifies for the board! Being such a popular beer you would expect it to be a high scorer...and it doesn't disappoint with a score of 74, placing it 5th in the table. If you think it deserves higher, or should be taken down a few pegs, comment a score and we will recalculate!

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Friday, 22 February 2013

Did you know? #4

The word 'berserk' comes from the Norse, Germanic language for 'bare shirt'. This is because our good old friends the Vikings would drink themselves silly on ale before charging into battle often armour-less and topless. This word eventually took on the meaning of their wild battles.

People say beer only slurs your words, turns out it makes new ones too!

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Thursday, 21 February 2013

Cheers to 771 Naval Air Squadron

To mark 60 years of the Royal Navy SAR (search and rescue) Service sailors from 771 Naval Air Squadron have helped to brew a special beer.
The Rebel Brewery of Penryn, near Falmouth are producing the beer as part of the celebrations and are calling it 'Rebel Rescue Ale' which will eventually become the SAR 60 commemorative ale.

Read the full story at: http://www.thisiscornwall.co.uk/Sailors-Culdrose-help-brew-beer-mark-60-years/story-18200440-detail/story.html#axzz2LY4NbAsN
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Kronenbourg 1664

The next entry onto our table is Kronenbourg 1664. A fairly mainstream, well known beer but no less deserving of 6th place with a BBB score of 66!

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Do you agree? Why not vote on any of our beers to alter the scores, just comment your score (out of 100) on the beer you'd like to vote for!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Did you know? #3

Viking believed that when they died they went to Valhalla. They also believed that in Valhalla was a giant goat whose udders provided them with and endless supply of beer!

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Friday, 15 February 2013

Crabbie's Original Alcoholic Ginger Beer

In a slightly different twist we have our first ginger beer to enter the list. Crabbie's enters the board with a BBB score of 60 placing it 7th overall, not a bad effort!

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Thursday, 14 February 2013

Have your say...

Want to change the leader board? Just comment a score out of 100 on whichever beer you are voting for and we will recalculate the overall BBB score! Get voting!

The Baum crowned Britain's Best Pub

The Baum in Rochdale has been crowned 'Britain's Best Pub' by CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) this year. The owner Simon Crompton put the success down to "keeping tradition going". Congratulations to The Baum, I hope I can get over there for a drink sometime!

For the full story go to: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-21443639

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Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Did you know? #2

Cenosillicaphobia is a fear of/associated with having an empty glass!
I'm sure there's a fair few of us!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Did you know? #1

The phrase 'Rule of thumb' comes from a time before thermometers when brewers would test the heat of the brewing beer with their thumbs.
This was to keep the yeast warm enough to ferment the beer yet not so warm that it would die.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Bah Humbug!

As you can tell from the name this is a festive beer which I finally got round to trying well after Christmas. Nonetheless it enters our board with a respectable 65 placing it 6th overall. Better late than never...

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Friday, 8 February 2013

Top UK award for Battledown Brewery

Battledown brewery's Sunbeam Steam Beer was named one of the best in Britain in a poll by Cask Marque. Lets hope we can get them onto the BBB leader board soon too, Birra Moretti's lead may be short lived!

Read the full story at the link below:

Birra Moretti

Although not an English beer, Birra Moretti is available in the UK and so qualifies for the leader board. Unbelievably this has edged out our previous number 1 by just 1 point topping the board with a cheeky 81!

The standards really are being set quite high and Birra Moretti is a deserved leader...for now...
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Sunday, 3 February 2013

Old Empire

I wanted to include a broad as possible range of beers and so have not limited this leader board to just local ales but all beers in Britain.
This has found us the next number 1 in Old Empire with a staggering score of 80!

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